Recent News

TAU researchers use earth’s magnetic field to verify Old Testament event

Research from Tel Aviv University (TAU) and three other Israeli universities will enable archaeologists to identify burnt materials discovered in excavations and estimate their firing temperatures. The new technique can determine whether a certain item, such as a mud brick, underwent a firing event even at relatively low temperatures, from 200°C (about 400°F) and higher…. Read More

TAU urgently launches National PTSD Clinic for civilians and soldiers

Tel Aviv University (TAU) is launching a National PTSD Clinic in response to urgent needs. The Clinic will serve as the therapeutic arm of TAU’s National Center for Traumatic Stress and Resilience, which combines research, training, and intervention in the field of post-trauma and related mental health disorders. In the coming year, the Clinic is… Read More

TAU student from Canada joins task force to counter war misinformation

Ben Bright, 28, from Montreal, Canada, was one of the first to join a task force of international students at Tel Aviv University (TAU) that is using social media and other means to boldly combat fake news and tell the true story about the October 7 terror attacks and the Israel-Hamas war. Bright, who is… Read More

Israelis volunteered and donated extensively in third week of Iron Swords War

A new report from Tel Aviv University (TAU) and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev reveals the scope of volunteering and donations in Israel during the Iron Swords War. Focusing on the third week of the war, the report’s findings reflect a picture of extraordinary solidarity, with rates of volunteering and donations that are much higher… Read More