Recent News

Closed-eye imaging can track pain in unresponsive patients

A new technological development from Tel Aviv University (TAU) can monitor changes in pupil size and gaze direction behind closed eyes using touchless infrared imaging. Tracking changes in pupil size can help identify a state of wakefulness in sleep, anesthesia, and intensive care and help track the depth of sedation, detect seizures and nightmares, and… Read More

Roman siege of Masada lasted just a few weeks, not several years

Researchers from the Sonia & Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University (TAU) used a range of modern technologies, including drones, remote sensing, and 3D digital modeling, to generate the first objective, quantified analysis of the Roman siege system at Masada. Findings indicate that, contrary to a widespread myth, the Roman army’s siege… Read More

Aging vultures prefer to stay at home instead of going out

A new Tel Aviv University (TAU) study has revealed that vultures, much like humans, experience changes in movement habits and social relationships as they age. Young vultures frequently move between roosting sites and “hanging out a lot with their friends.” In old age, however, vultures scale back on socializing, preferring to “stay home.” The study,… Read More

Introducing Tel Aviv University’s Student Success Center

Until today, the Student Services Division at Tel Aviv University (TAU) has been dedicated to providing students with a vital range of services including financial aid, academic counseling, tutoring, mentoring, career guidance, and psychological support. With our increasingly networked world and today’s expectations of a more seamless and hands-on experience when seeking services, the University… Read More

TAU research finds that sponges employ an original tactic to warn off predators

A new study from Tel Aviv University (TAU) found that sponges in the Gulf of Eilat have developed an original way to keep predators away. The researchers found that the sponges contain an unprecedented concentration of the highly toxic mineral molybdenum. In addition, they identified the bacterium that enables sponges to store such high concentrations… Read More

Sunflowers “dance” to keep each other in the shade

A new study by Tel Aviv University (TAU) in collaboration with the University of Colorado, Boulder, found that plants that grow in dense environments, where each plant casts a shadow on its neighbor, find a collective solution to help them discover optimal growth directions with the help of random movements. The research sheds light on… Read More

New TAU research enables biofuel production from organic waste

An innovative development by a team of Tel Aviv University (TAU) researchers allows for the conversion of the wet raw waste that we throw in the trash into liquid and solid biofuels, without the need to dry the waste. The researchers assess that fuels produced from organic waste can meet about a third of Israel’s… Read More

TAU announces second round of special admissions track for reservists

On July 21, 2024, Tel Aviv University (TAU) announced a second move in its special admissions terms for reservists, after the first cancelled the psychometric test requirement for some applicants. First-year students commencing their studies in the coming academic year, who have served at least 30 days in the reserves since the beginning of 2024,… Read More