Israel and the Middle East 2020: What Lies Ahead
With Professor Uzi Rabi. Moderated by AFTAU CEO Jennifer Gross.
We’re bringing Tel Aviv University direct to you with a series of panel discussions, interviews with experts, concerts from the Buchmann–Mehta School of Music, a tour of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, and so much more.
With Professor Uzi Rabi. Moderated by AFTAU CEO Jennifer Gross.
With Professor Neta Erez and Dr. Talia Golan. Moderated by Professor Karen Avraham.
A discussion with the Oscar-winning actor.
With Professor Ronit Satchi-Fainaro, moderated by AFTAU CEO Jennifer Gross.
With Professors Yosef Shiloh, Sharon Toker, and Manuel Trajtenberg. Moderated by Professor Karen Avraham, Vice Dean of the Sackler Faculty of Medicine.
TAU alumni speak about Sports Post COVID19 and the implications on the Tokyo Olympics. In Hebrew.
A virtual tour of the Steinhardt Museum’s “Treasures of Biodiversity” exhibit.
With Dr. Eran Toch, Dr. Nimrod Kozlovski, and Liron David. Moderated by Menny Barzilay.