Israeli Happiness and Fear Politics
With Dr. Uriel Abulof and Miri Segal-Scharia. In Hebrew.
We’re bringing Tel Aviv University direct to you with a series of panel discussions, interviews with experts, concerts from the Buchmann–Mehta School of Music, a tour of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, and so much more.
With Dr. Uriel Abulof and Miri Segal-Scharia. In Hebrew.
With TAU neuroscientist Dr. Ricardo Tarrasch, moderated by AFTAU CEO Jennifer Gross.
With Professors Yair Bar-Haim, Rachel Cinamon Gali, and Karni Ginzburg.
With Professor Leonardo Leiderman. Moderated by Jennifer Gross, AFTAU CEO.
With Professor Tomer Lev, Head of the Buchmann–Mehta School of Music, and guests.
With Professor Colin Price, Head of the Porter School of Environmental Studies. Moderated by Jennifer Gross, AFTAU CEO.
With Professor Michael Birnhack, Dr. Dan Yamin, Professor Hila Shamir, and Dr. Yael Sternhell.
With Dr. Ella Sklan, Professor Aviad Kleinberg, Professor Leonardo Leiderman, and Professor Adini Wiesel Bruria.